Welcome to your chapter's website!

This site provides you with an even greater ability to network with chapter members, upload photos, share documents, participate in chapter discussions and learn about chapter events.



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Chapter News

  • Service Opportunity with the United Nations as Sigma Rep

    Hello Upsilon Chi Members!

    Please see this fantastic opportunity as a member of our chapter.  If you do apply, please reach out to one of the board members to let us know.

    Kim Sand

    President, Upsilon Chi

    Do you want to elevate your nursing impact to a global level? Sigma is currently accepting applications for Liaisons and Youth Representatives to the United Nations. Learn more and apply by 20 November » https://bit.ly/3F9yTLx

  • Linkedin page

    Hello members, 

    We now have a Linkedin page. 



  • Facebook website

    Hello members,

    I am your new webmaster/social media person. I would like to grow our social presence with your help. 


    If you have events, please feel free to post them or send them to me. 



Chapter Events