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We hope you can join us via zoom for the 2024 Annual Business Meeting on Wednesday, November 6th at 6 pm.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 966 6686 0809
Passcode: 900846
Good afternoon, Upsilon Chi members
Due to the impending Hurricane Helene, the annual business meeting scheduled for tomorrow evening, September 26th, will need to be cancelled.
The Board will work to reschedule this event.
Hoping everyone stays safe with minimal effects from the storm.
Hello Upsilon Chi Members!
You are invited to Upsilon Chi's Annual Business Meeting on September 26th @ 7pm.
Verrica Pharmaceuticals Inc. will be sponsoring our meeting by hosting a pharmaceutical dinner at 6 pm before we officially begin.
Please use the following link to register if you plan to attend.
Time for the 2024 Elections
We have 3 open positions for the 2024 Board of Upsilon Chi. Please vote for a Treasurer. There are 1 open position for the Leadership Succession Planning Committee and 1 open position for the Governance Committee. If you are interested, please select yes and enter your name.
The survey is by SurveyMonkey
Voting opens 8/17/24 at 6 am ET and closes 8/26/24 at 6 pm ET.
Dr. Teresa Gore
Leadership Succession Chair
The Board of Upsilon Chi is excited to announce our first ever opportunity for scholars to disseminate their findings in our inaugural Upsilon Chi Research and Evidence-Based Practice Showcase!
This is scheduled for the evening before Nova's graduation in a beautiful venue in the Alvin Sherman Library on Nova's Fort Lauderdale campus.
Please see the attached Call for Abstracts.
You can utilize the QR code or link to see guidelines for submission.
Once accepted, researchers will need to create a poster for presentation that evening.
Kim Sand
President, Upsilon Chi
888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free)
+1.317.634.8171 (International)
550 W. North St.
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. ET
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